
PCB and enclosure

A project log for 3D Printed PCB mill

3D Printed components and other hardware to make a PCB routing machine, which inherently can do other things.

dteelDTeel 07/10/2016 at 22:520 Comments

Well, I got the female headers in the mail so I can finish up my controller board. I soldered those bad girls in, and plugged everything up. I got two of the jumper wires mixed up for the step and direction pins in the Y axis. So instead of desoldering and fixing those wires, I just fixed it in the software.

So now instead of having a bread board sit awkwardly in the corner, I have a small enclosure fixed to the corner of the assembly.

Much more portable now, all I have to do it disconnect the power wires and the USB cable and I can take it where I want for cleaning, or putting it outside and having a fan blow all the shit away as its milled.
