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A project log for 3D Printed PCB mill

3D Printed components and other hardware to make a PCB routing machine, which inherently can do other things.

dteelDTeel 07/29/2016 at 06:140 Comments

So the design I posted a few days ago, was all kinds of wrong. Well, not all kinds, just one kind. I forgot to flip the image of the stepper driver when doing my design, so the pin locations were not correct. I would have had to of solder the headers into the bottom of the board, and then plugged them in upside down.

Well, I didnt want to do that, so I redesigned it and in the process added a feature for a fan, or some other 12v <1A accessory you want.

Then I milled out that new board, soldered everything into place and then tested it out. The x and y axis's worked just fine, but the Z was all dicked up. Wasnt doing nothing. Then I realized I shouldve tested that pin mapping to the arduino on a bread board before I milled that board. I was trying to use pin's A6 and A7 as digital output pins, but little did I know, you cant. You can only read from those pins.

So to fix that and not have to etch a new board, I figured since there only input, i'll drill two new holes in those lines and put a jumper to 2 unused digital IO pins on the other side of the arduino (thank god I thought semi ahead and made traces from unused pins to drilled holes to easily fix problems like these). So I did that, and it works fine now.

super awesome. I'll post pictures and shit once I get a new housing printed out for the new desing.


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