When I'm focused I tend to zone out and forget to take breaks, especially water breaks. I tried using apps to track my water intake but they are generally annoying and don't fit into my routines. I decided to hack a kitchen scale to track my water intake by measuring how much liquid I drink, how often I pick up the glass to drink, how much in each sip, etc.
I might throw in some NFC to track which of the vessels I'm using so I can skip dry measuring everything.
Strain Gague and platform
In the form of a Salter 1036
Initially I was going to skip this bit in the docs but writing these logs inspired me to do this thoroughly. So I went and code reviewed most of the libraries for the HX711 on github.
So I built this hardware ages ago but it was up to the software to do the heavy lifting. I finally decided to pick this up again after finally getting around to figuring out the software platform I was going to use for my projects (updates for my other project coming soon). I decided Node-Red was the most appropriate as the data flow paradigm is well suited for sensor based data feeds.