
RPI (zero) Tesla Coil Controller

A small tesla coil controller designed to be run from a Raspberry PI

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A tesla coil controller that uses the capabilities of a raspberry pi (Zero) to drive a Tesla coil via I2C and to play music from Midi files.
Now split into two tesla coils running from a single PI.
Software on the PI allows for manual scripting of the power and frequency of the Tesla coil bursts, a midi interface allows midi files to be played via ALSA and via external USB midi sources.

Always will be a work in progress

Construction and documentation still in progress, un-linked entries to come:-

Power Bridge

Gate Drive Transformer
Primary Capacitor / Tuning
Pi Software setup - Software details
PIC uP setup.
Wiring Up
I2C Driver Board

RS232 fibre to RPI

Secondary and topload construction

Boards are shared projects from OSH park.

I2C Driver

Power Bridge

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