
3D Printer from Upcyled Parts

I am working toward building a 3D printer from scavenged printer/scanner parts, and as many off the shelf components as possible.

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Over the last few years I have dismantled many printers, scanners, and AIOs with the intent to eventually use the salvaged parts to build a 3d printer. I believe I now have enough parts to start building the printer.

My basic concept is to use the rods, motors, and belts that I have reclaimed from the various printers for the axes. The frame will be built out of plywood. The control circuitry will be an Arduino with CNC shield. End stops will be optical, salvaged from printers as well.

I may try to incorporate one of the various touchscreens I've pulled from some AIOs at some point, but the main goal is to have a functional 3D printer.

Check the logs for updates.


Datasheet for DSH40 series stepper motor.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 85.82 kB - 06/18/2016 at 19:55



Daigram of the DSH40EX model stepper motor.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 40.37 kB - 06/18/2016 at 19:55


  • 1 × Teco DSH40EX26A Stepper motor Winding Resistance: 3.3 ~ 37.5 Ω, Inductance: 3.0 ~ 30 mH, Rotor inertia: 12 ~ 35 g-cm², Motor weight: 140 ~ 260 gw, Step Angle 1.8, 5 VDC, 1.0 A,
  • 2 × 10mm Steel Rod Steel guide rods from a Microtek TMA1600 scanner attatchment.

  • 2/18/2018​ - On Hold

    Shawn Gorman02/19/2018 at 01:39 0 comments

    I have put this project on hold for awhile. I have not had time to work on it, and I have since purchased an Anet A8 printer. I may consider re-purposing this project as a CNC mill or laser cutter/engraver.

  • 6/18/16 Progress

    Shawn Gorman06/18/2016 at 20:31 0 comments

    I have scavenged several parts from many different models of printers and scanners over the years. I will outline some of the parts I will be using for my 3D printer build.

    To start with, I was very fortunate to get my hands on a Microtek TMA 1600 transfer add-on for a 9800XL scanner. This is a large format scanner which had a stepper motor, belt, gear reduction assembly, 2 10mm rods, and various control boards (which I will not be using). You can see the stepper motor below and I have uploaded datasheets to the project page.

    I also have parts from a Lexmark Pinnacle Pro 901 AIO printer, several hp printers, brother printers, and a couple of flat bed scanners in letter and legal format that I don't remember the brand.

    As you can see in the picture, there are several useful parts to work with. The 2 10mm rods are on the right. The rest I believe are 8mm. Since some of the motors have gear reductions, I want to test the step length to see what kind of resolution I will get out of them. I will be using an Arduino Uno with a Seeed Studios motor shield v2.2 for testing.

    I had some pre-cut slats of 3/4" Plywood handy so to test the Teco motor from the MicroTek, I just bolted the motor mount assembly to the end of the slat. At this stage I don't need a whole lot of accuracy in placement, but I did verify that one edge was straight, and the corners are square. These slats were factory cut so that was easy.

    On the other end of the test rig I used the tensioner roller from the scanner. The tension uses a screw that passes through the internal frame of the scanner. I drilled a couple of holes in a piece of the frame to use a a bracket for tensioning which is at the right of the rig.

    So far, that's it. More to come.

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