
Hot End Mount

A project log for Monoprice MP Select Mini E3D Hotend Adapter

Puts an e3d hotend on the famous $200 printer

benchoffBenchoff 06/11/2016 at 19:351 Comment

This should be the first thing you print on the MP Select Mini.

.STL available in the project files. Four M3 nuts and four M3x20 bolts are required.

Just print this out and tape it to the back of your machine.


Because the MP Mini uses a standard thermistor and heater cartridge, you can reuse the stock thermistor and heater cartridge in an e3d hotend. This means a better hotend is a drop-in replacement, without needing any firmware updates or anything.


Petra wrote 12/01/2019 at 13:46 point

Nice, I hope to print, Is PLA strong enough??

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