
Multimeter connected to my Glasses

A project log for Arduino Glasses a HMD for Multimeter

Building an HMD with no special parts, to make work easier and safer

alain-mauerAlain Mauer 07/26/2016 at 19:535 Comments

It took me a few days to analyse the Data coming from my Bluetooth Multimeter Owon B35T.

After I understood most of the values, I wrote a little program to transfer the Data directly to my Arduino Glass. Amazing, connecting to measuring points, and seeing the Data directly in front of where you are working.


dadaltpy wrote 03/13/2020 at 03:44 point

como pasabas la informacion al monitor serial

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alonsodnl wrote 05/10/2018 at 01:26 point

Hi Alain, could you help me, how to connect the BT35 manualy whit the serial program?

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steve.reeves1 wrote 10/17/2016 at 21:09 point

I think this is great, I have a uno setup with 1.8tft screen how do I connect it manually,could you please advise I can see bluedat string but it's not used.

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James Newton wrote 08/30/2016 at 17:53 point

Excellent! Can you share this program, please?

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Alain Mauer wrote 08/30/2016 at 21:13 point

Hi, the soft is not completed, but I uploaded the one I use for the moment for my tests, on my github

It's working, but you have to connect the BT35 manualy with the serial programm. I hope I will have a ready to use version in a few days.

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