
Glighter-S - new revision!

A project log for Glighter-S

Just another coin-size, wide input voltage range, low cost, failsafe, high power LED driver.

enricoEnrico 02/21/2017 at 20:480 Comments

Glighter now have a new form factor. It is a real coin size this time.

My need was to enable the possibility to use smaller boxes, with a better organization. I tried to make the board smaller, more similar to a square, with the output connector rotated by 90°.

This is the newboard:

Under the electrical point of view, nothing has changed. Only the board sizes are new, with a form factor of 19mm x 24mm.

The output connector is conceived to be used with pluggable cables, or if a flexible solution is needed without the male header, there is now more space to solder wires directly on the output pads.

The input connector is kept the same, to allow the board to be either used with pluggable connectors, wires or to be inserted in a breadboard.

The infos are updated on the project details!


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