

Fully automated 6'x4' whiteboard. Give it any image and it renders the edges and sketches them in huge, precise, monochromatic glory.

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Our project was designed in the context of aiding advanced, large-scale prototyping and drafting work. By creating a machine that can draw large-scale, real-world vectored images from any photograph, our research sought to enhance the artistic ‘skills’ of the average individual. We were inspired to create this drafting aid when we noticed the lack of such a helpful tool, and all the potential uses it could have. This automated drawing tool could revolutionize the classroom setting and change forever the way we make prototypes.
The project terminated in a satisfactory state of functionality. The Etch-A-Whiteboard accurately renders instruction files to trace the edges of images with precise lines. Persistent problems included heat dissipation and logic voltage discrepancies.



Automated Precision Drawing for the Artistically Impaired

Nate Foss and Alex Hoganson

Automation and Robotics Research Lab

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology


Table of Contents

Abstract 3

Introduction 4

Literature Review 5

Inspiration 5

Hardware Acquisition 5

Methodology and Results 6

Bill of Materials 6

Horizontal Axis 6

Vertical Axis 7

Pen Holder 7

Electronics 8

Code 8

Generating the Instruction File 8

Interpreting the Instruction File 9

Discussion 10

Problems Encountered 10

Broader Application 10

Conclusion 11

Final Comments 11

Resources 12

Appendices 13

  1. Holistic Visual Documentation 13
  2. Bill of Materials 14
  3. Hardware 15
  4. Electronics 21

G. Image Processing Code 22

H. Image Processing Results 25

I. Movement and Instruction File Reading 26


Our project was designed in the context of aiding advanced, large-scale prototyping and drafting work. By creating a machine that can draw large-scale, real-world vectored images from any photograph, our research sought to enhance the artistic ‘skills’ of the average individual. We were inspired to create this drafting aid when we noticed the lack of such a helpful tool, and all the potential uses it could have. This automated drawing tool could revolutionize the classroom setting and change forever the way we make prototypes.

The key to successful implementation of this project was moving the pen around on the board exactly as we wished via the Raspberry Pi’s direction. Taking inspiration from 3D printers and laser cutters, we decided on the two rail system diagramed in figure C.1, with the addition of a pen holder to control if it drew when it moved or not. The two axes were horizontal, across the top of the whiteboard, and vertical, which moved across the board and moved the pen holder up and down it. The final product closely matches the diagram, and can be seen in figure C.2.

To accomplish this, the Etch-A-Whiteboard used sophisticated edge detection algorithms in conjunction with precise DC stepper motors. While constructing the Etch-A-Whiteboard, many problems were encountered and subsequently solved. Complications that were solved included unnecessarily heavy components, stepper motors with insufficient torque, large 3D printer tolerances, power supply problems, and analog linear actuator control mechanisms. However, the large time buffers built into the project during the design phase allowed these challenges to be overcome and still complete the Etch-A-Whiteboard on time.

The project terminated in a satisfactory state of functionality. The Etch-A-Whiteboard accurately renders instruction files to trace the edges of images with precise lines. Persistent problems included heat dissipation and logic voltage discrepancies.


Our project was designed in the context of aiding advanced, large-scale prototyping and drafting work. By creating a machine that can draw large-scale, real-world vectored images from any photograph, our research sought to enhance the artistic ‘skills’ of the average individual. We were inspired to create this drafting aid when we noticed the lack of such a helpful tool, and all the potential uses it could have. This automated drawing tool could revolutionize the classroom setting and change forever the way we make prototypes.

Applications for this technology are many and varied. Its potential use in the classroom cannot be overstated. For example, envision an electronics professor who draws a circuitry diagram for his students. Although the diagram is well-made and understandable, it’s hand-drawn, and impossible for all his students to see at once. He could take a photo, and project it for his classroom- but that leaves his diagram unmalleable and static. But with such an automated drawing machine, he could perfectly reproduce that diagram on the whiteboard and chalkboard, yet still leave it open to editing, allowing everyone to study and learn optimally.

Similarly, consider a photo or diagram that’s simply too complicated for...

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  • 2 × Bipolar Stepper Motor Phidgets geared NEMA-17 stepper motor
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
  • 2 × Dual H-Bridge motor driver from SparkFun
  • 2 × L12 Firgelli Technologies Linear Actuators

  • Project Log

    jambyz06/17/2016 at 13:35 0 comments

    Alexander Hoganson at Thursday, June 9, 2016 3:53:46 PM

    Mr. D.C.

    Attached please find about 2/3 of our final paper. It will be done by around 9:00 tonight at the latest.

    Thanks for your time and consideration

    Posted by Alexander Hoganson at Thursday, June 9, 2016 9:04:12 AM

    Attached find the final poster. PLEASE NOTE this is not the actual final poster! As soon as the linear actuators can go up and down, I am going to take a better picture with an image that actually looks good.

    Other than that, it's done.


    Alexander Hoganson at Thursday, February 4, 2016 10:38:30 AM

    During this week we finished re-constructing the Y axis. The fourth iteration of the bottom wheel attacher works, and holds the wheels in place. We are reasonably confident that the stronger ABS plastic won't break. We also started thinking of concepts for the pen holder, and plan to use springs and a linear actuator to keep the pen perpetually in contact with the whiteboard.


    Posted by Alexander Hoganson at Thursday, January 14, 2016 11:34:34 AM

    During weeks six through twelve, a lot of work was completed on our project. First, and most importantly, we finished CADding THE PART. It worked perfectly on the first print, as was to be expected from a masterpiece of design. It fulfills its function of holding the Y axis up, attaching it to three Vex wheels, and has a gripper that attaches the belt firmly in place. The piece fit smoothly together with everything on the first try, and once we screwed screws in, holds all components firmly in place. Then, we moved on to designing a bottom wheel holder. Unfortunately, this took us significantly more iterations to satisfactorily complete. The bottom wheel holder has space for an axle, and holds two wheels that help support and align the y axis. We finished this part last week, but unforseen stresses caused it to break. By printing again with Ultron, the sturdier piece will be able to support the weight we need it to. Finally, we built a guide rail for the top wheels, keeping THE PART aligned in the center of the track at all times. We decided to use a counterweight system on the Y axis that will help balance the weight of our marker-holder. Once the belts are tensioned and power directed to the stepper motors, the project should be able to move in two dimensions.


    Alexander Hoganson at Thursday, November 12, 2015 10:06:38 AM

    Week Five: Someone broke a part that we had finished and installed. We printed it again on better plastic (we will see how it works) and re-installed it.

    Week Six: Tapped the axle that we constructed using the lathe and installed a set screw. Acquired 3 bushings from Mr. P. Installed the set screw and connected the stepper to the axle. After filing and lubing, we will begin construction on The Part to hold the stepper motor in place. Also presented the project proposal.


    Alexander Hoganson at Monday, October 26, 2015 8:55:48 AM

    Happy homecoming week! In addition to constructing a bobsled, which was awesome and should have won first place if not for the fact that we have an inept student coucil, we also completed construction this week on the horizontal axis. By drilling a hole through the gear, and affixing the plastic with a screw, we have stopped slippage by the belt. We filed down one side of the plastic and the belt no longer slips or catches at all. Movement is smooth, and we moved on to begin designing components for the vertical...

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  • 1
    Step 1

    Instructions will be coming in simplified form soon!

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