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A project log for Goliath - A Gas Powered Quadcopter

A BIG Gas Powered Quadcopter

peter-mccloudPeter McCloud 03/25/2015 at 00:292 Comments

Well, I said I'd be able to fix the vehicle quickly and go back to testing right away. The weather did not cooperate. There was about 4 inches of standing water underneath Goliath on Saturday and it's still drying out. Unfortunately I'm out of time to do anymore testing for a while.

Next week I'll be moving to Longview, Washington about an hour outside of Portland, Oregon. This is the reason has slowed down on Goliath recently. It'll likely be several weeks before I get set back up at the new place, so I won't be posting again until then.

The good news is I'm getting an upgrade in shop space. The new house comes with a 24'x60' shop (below, and no it didn't come with the mill. I did ask though), so I'll have lots more room and I should be able to test Goliath rain or shine (after routing the exhaust outside of course).

158 Campbell Road, Longview WA

The new house sits on 2 acres, so I'll also have enough room to test once Goliath is able to fly.

158 Campbell Road, Longview WASo if all goes well, in a few weeks, I'll have Goliath reassembled in the new shop and get back to testing on a regular basis!


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zakqwy wrote 04/13/2015 at 14:20 point

Congrats on the move! Looks like an excellent base of operations for big experiments! Love the garage, too; 24'x60' is crazy!

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suicidal.banana wrote 03/25/2015 at 14:53 point

Grats on your (soon to be) new place! :) and bummer that you didn't get to keep that mill hehe.

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