
Tested Running Audacity and Scratch

A project log for Raspberry Pi 3 Desktop a 7-yr-old Can Build & Use

Teach programming, electronics, and mechanics with the Kano Computer and Snap Circuits.

steve-schulerSteve Schuler 07/08/2016 at 15:092 Comments

So I had a few minutes this morning to boot up the Kano and I was able to run Audacity to generate a sign wave tone AND run Scratch to speed up or slow down the Snap Circuits Geared Motor circuit. YAY! This project is developing quickly into a tool for the science of sound--you can look at the sine wave form, for instance, on the Kano screen in Audacity and then watch the sine wave on the laser oscilloscope target screen.

A laser oscilloscope is just one of many ways to visualize sound--my project combines a computer (Kano), electronics and mechanics (Snap Circuits Motion set parts), and friggin' laser beams (cat toy laser pointer) as a simple way to visualize sound to ttech the science of sound. Here's a rather interesting TED talk with some clever sound visualization methods:


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Steve Schuler wrote 07/08/2016 at 15:13 point

Oopsie! The text, "a simple way to visualize sound to ttech the science of sound" should have read "a simple way to visualize sound to TEACH the science of sound."

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