Start with "Contour object."

Next, select the plug-in extension «Right G-Code» and then «G-Code ...».

The first tab: basic code and commands setting.

The second tab: setting of the curves and lines approximation accuracy with G-code commands.

The third tab: Hatching settings. Angle: Hatching angle in degrees from the horizontal axis counterclockwise. Distance: hatching pitch in microns (1/1000 mm).

The fourth tab: Display settings. Warning: in this version the file with the results is overwritten when the plug-in starts anew.

Two radio buttons Process and Generate:

Process: Only contours – process the G-code of the image contours

Process: Only fills -- process the G-code of the image fills

Process: Both contours and fills

Generate: Only lines - display all the processed lines (under the G-code)

Generate: Only G-code - write the processed G-Code to a file

Generate: Both lines and G-code

Result – the fills should be converted into the G-code, if it was not preset in the plugin settings.

Note: To create a stamp cliché:

• the vector version of the stamp imprint should be mirrored;

• create an outer circle for the stamp imprint, which will be burnt through for further cutting out of it a stamp.

You may download a plug-in on or web sites.

Cool video about how to run a plug-in you may watch on our channel: