
Bylink Music Tube

Music from Youtube by Webview

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The first Android app that contains links to the best music download sites as Youtube, allowing the easy exchange of video link.

Bylink does not perform a direct download from Youtube, Bylink only simplifies the process for opening various download sites dedicated to that ground Bylink is only an application containing a collection of sites and links, downlaod and related issues are delegated to same sites.

Google, Youtube and Android work arround the same company so is not possible to download music from Youtube on an Android device by using an App from PlayStore but is possible by using connection between the webpages of music downlaod and link of the videos.

Is very easy to copy an application like this for a lot of different usage on Android, for example to use link and pages on network like a specifical browser.

Create an Android App:

-Insert webview on your app

-Insert different url from webpages

-Insert the possibility to copy and past and save links

-Create a simplified browser for your device


This is the ultimated version of ByLink android app, you can install it directly on your device

Android Package Archive - 1.70 MB - 06/21/2016 at 21:22


  • 1 × Android Phone
  • 1 × Andoid Studio IDE
  • 1 × Lot of fantasy

  • 1
    Step 1

    - Open Android Studio IDE

  • 2
    Step 2

    - Develop Develop Develop

  • 3
    Step 3

    - Create WebView

View all 8 instructions

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