
3D Printing the Track - The Tedium ^^

A project log for P.A.L. - Self Programming AI Robot

P.A.L. : Personable Autonomous Learning - Self Programming Robot that learns and grows - Each robot developes a unique personality.

thundersqueakThunderSqueak 07/14/2016 at 20:340 Comments

8 sets.... that is the number of times I need to print for the track. I am going to attach the file to the files location as soon as I am done. The file contains a single part for now. I will design and print the sprocket soon. Each of the parts is mounted onto two #25h roller chains using a medium rivet that is 1/8" (3mm) wide and 1/4"(6mm) tall on each end. #RMA1/8IP from ARROW.

You only place the parts on every other link, leaving a 1/4" gap between. This allows the track to roll properly and gives the sprocket a place between to grip the track.

8 prints*22 parts per print + four pieces of 3 feet of chain = two tracks with some spares left over for repairs. More pics and files to come soon :)
