
Another option for the track

A project log for P.A.L. - Self Programming AI Robot

P.A.L. : Personable Autonomous Learning - Self Programming Robot that learns and grows - Each robot developes a unique personality.

thundersqueakThunderSqueak 07/26/2016 at 06:530 Comments

I won 10' of table top roller chain on ebay a while back for 50 dollars (including shipping to Alaska). Normally this chain is used for conveyor belts, I was thinking it could be put to another use. A wonderful new track :)

Well, it arrived today. I used a 'C' Clamp and a 5/8" nut, along with a chain breaker tool to build two tracks with it . The nut is used so that you can use the 'C' clamp to press the pins back into place without resorting to the use of a hammer. I also used some wheels to see how it "felt" in the shape that I want as well as tested how much force it would take to move such relatively heavy track. The motors I have should move it with no problem.

The chain is larger, 1864EAK3 made by Rexnord. Each track is made using a 3.5 foot section of chain, with 3 feet of chain left over for repairs or other uses later.

I know it isn't a totally 3D printed solution, but I like looking at all the options :)



That's it for this 5 minute update :)

