

A project log for P.A.L. - Self Programming AI Robot

P.A.L. : Personable Autonomous Learning - Self Programming Robot that learns and grows - Each robot developes a unique personality.

thundersqueakThunderSqueak 08/23/2016 at 01:143 Comments

It has been asked a number of times, "Are you going to add some sort of rubber belt over the tracks?" I have indeed been considering this. One option I have been seriously looking into is simply roughing up the surface of the metal and giving it a coating of a rubbery truck bed liner, Liquid Electrical tape, or one of the other plastic cotes. This sounds much easier than attempting to either rivet or glue cut up tires to each plate in the tracks.

Another option for indoor use could also be some sort of fabric "boot" that covers the entire track. I don't really have to worry about tearing up a hardwood floor at my home, but ya never know... it might be useful?

Time will tell which option I go with...

An example of truck bed liner application for those who are curious.



Morning.Star wrote 04/29/2017 at 16:08 point

Hi :-)

How about a neoprene belt with elasticated fabric sides to keep it on the track. The kind that wetsuits are made of... Easy to sew on a machine, easy to fit...

Lol Rad ;-)

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deʃhipu wrote 08/23/2016 at 06:16 point

How about wrapping each link in pink fur? :-D

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ThunderSqueak wrote 08/23/2016 at 06:17 point

ROFL  That would be rad XD

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