
Blog established, a future vision posted

A project log for Reactron Overdrive

A small but critical number of minimally complex machines interact with each other, providing machine augmentation of human activity.

kenji-larsenKenji Larsen 06/04/2014 at 21:500 Comments

This project is not so easy to describe, because it is really attempting to build the future, but we describe things using paradigms from the present, and hardware from the past (even if recent).  

There's philosophy and math behind this, and the images and video will flow a bit later on.  But in the meantime, I've established a separate place to discuss the philosophy and math, and I will re-write the description here to focus on the mechanics and applications.  I think that makes the most sense.  Cool stuff here, fine print there.

The blog at is sparse right now, but will get fleshed out soon.

In the meantime, I've posted a vision of a possible future, one I am trying to help build.  I'm sure the real future will simply be unimaginable.  But this post references the technological road from here to there, and some of the discussed technologies are already in existence, but need refinement and optimization, and cost reduction, but mostly just a system of synergistic integration, instead of the type of taxing integration we practice today.
