
Integrated Google Glass

A project log for Reactron Overdrive

A small but critical number of minimally complex machines interact with each other, providing machine augmentation of human activity.

kenji-larsenKenji Larsen 06/09/2014 at 23:000 Comments

This is my Google Glass.  

It is integrated with the system as explained in the project details.

I did a mechanical hack to add swing-out and -away +4.00 diopter magnifiers for working on circuits and other small things.

One lens can swing over the camera in case I want to take a magnified photo.

I use this to augment my view digitally while working.  I mostly use it as a display device - it has the benefit of being tied to my head so I do not have to avert my gaze from whatever I am concentrating on physically, in order to digest some additional digital information, like circuit diagrams or datasheets.

It seems to me that Raspberry Eye could also work here.
