
COW HackerBox arrives in San Jose.....

A project log for TriState-COW, HackerBox

COW = (California, Oregon, Washington).

murlidharshenoymurlidhar.shenoy 08/09/2016 at 05:235 Comments

Parts i took from the box

Parts I took from the HackerBox

1. jumper wires

2. AVR uISP x1

3. thermocouple amplifier breakout pcb

4. LCD module with keypad and serial interface

5.GPS disciplined RTC board

6. Crazy Clocks x2

My contributions to the HackereBox

My Contributions to the HackerBox, hope someone finds them useful!

list of parts added

1.bunch of old PCBs from an old sharp camcorder (and a digital camera i think, dont remember).

2. digistump digispark clone

3. 32x2 character LCD

4.D-link Usb to Ethernet adapter

5. Mini hacker tin with surprise goodies! ;)

6.Touchpad from an old macbook pro

Tomorrow , i'll mail the box to the next destination on the list!


Nick Sayer wrote 08/10/2016 at 00:36 point

Let me know if you have any questions about any of the Geppetto stuff.

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murlidhar.shenoy wrote 08/10/2016 at 03:50 point

Sure thing and Thanks :)

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Jeremy g. wrote 08/09/2016 at 08:08 point

thanks for the update!, hope you had fun with it.

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murlidhar.shenoy wrote 08/10/2016 at 03:51 point

Thanks Jeremy for starting this HackerBox! :)

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Jeremy g. wrote 08/10/2016 at 22:54 point

no worries, glad people are enjoying it.

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