
Software Progress

A project log for RasPi Car Computer

Raspberry Pi car computer with Bluetooth connectivity, OBD-II integration, Arduino, and (obligatory) RGB LEDs.

andrewmcdanAndrewMcDan 01/16/2016 at 21:090 Comments

I have made some decent progress on the software side of things. The user interface is basically complete, but the back-end software on the R-Pi is nowhere near done. Here's a screenshot of the UI:

Here's a video demo:

It's obviously an incomplete demo, but hey it's something. Also, most of the code I've been working on is available on Github.

Just to give you an idea of what I have on my plate, here's a diagram of most of the components of this project...

And a sort of pseudo-schematic for the Arduino Due:

I plan on updating the Google Docs file that has the full description of everything in it soon. I'm still working out some details and once that's done I'll get it updated. The link to the G-Docs file can be found on the main project page.

That's all for now. I'm waiting for my brother to put the finishing touches on the dash piece so I can keep working on that part of this project. He works at an automotive body shop, so when it comes to fiberglass and bondo, he's got me covered. I'll post an update once he gets the piece back to me. Until then......


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