I started wandering if it was possible to make a DIY conversion kit for my father’s Nikon F80, I learned about the different sensors the crop factor, the basics of digital cameras and all the boring stuff that usually people don’t care about.. During this period I took a two month pause because of a visit of Peru and Bolivia from which I came back with a Braun Paxina that offers a great workplace due to its huge internal size.
During 2016 I tried to find the best way to understand how to convert a camera and I figured out that it was possible and cheap with a Raspberry Pi and its camera module.
On the 13th of June I successfully inserted the Pi camera module inside the Braun Paxina and obtained the first picture from it after 60 years of deep sleep.
I want to bring this project to the next level using a bigger sensor, if you want to help me in any way please contact me from the form on my website (link under the title)
Convertitore digitale universale di macchine fotografiche a pellicola.docx
so cool can you post more photos?