
New Features and Changes to the Current Design

A project log for Wi-Fi Thermal Receipt Printer V1

This was a technical thesis project designed to allow a user to get a print out of the current weather and the word of the day via Wi-Fi.

scott-clandininScott Clandinin 07/12/2016 at 05:190 Comments

So I am going ahead with the process of getting current time detailed in the last log. At this point I'm working on a few new features to do with time.

  1. Adding current time to each printing.
  2. Displaying current time on the LCD
  3. Automatically print out the current weather and word of the day at the time time in the morning every day.

To add these features, I will need to change a bit about how the device operates. Before this the PIC, wifi module, and printer would all be sent to sleep. The button press would wake the micro, which would in turn wake the other devices. If I want to keep checking the time, I will need to use timers and interrupts, and therefore not send the micro to sleep. I will however still put the printer and wifi module to sleep during inactivity.


I've submitted this project the Hackaday Challenge - Automation, so it's time to automate more things. When I wake up in the morning, I don't want to have to press a button to get my weather info, it should automatically be printed out for me! The ideal next step would be to gather the weather forecast of the day and include that in the print-out.


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