

an automated sawstop for miter and table saws

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I'm in the midst of a massive home renovation (weekends and evenings) :) One of my pet peeves is getting my cuts right, and fast. I'd also like to save on trips down to the basement and back up. Oh, and I want to stop losing my tape measures :)

This is a device that's designed to couple with my smartphone and work with my measure app.

I usually plan out my projects, and can then download a cutlist onto my phone. AutoSet will then work off that cutlist and allow me to cut and build without measuring or marking.

There is a system that is commercially sold for this, but it also costs about $2000. So I figured it was chance to see if I could design something more affordable :)
  • 1 × Nordic BLE Board
  • 1 × Custom Motor Driver Board
  • 1 × Custom Sensing Board
  • 1 × Maker Slide
  • 1 × Custom Carriage

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