Nothing Fancy about this one.
Uses an Arduino UNO clone (more on that later) to read a one wire temp sensor and drive a relay to disconnectpower from the choke heater element for a couple of minutes on cold mornings.
The Craburettor in the VW Beetle has an Automatic choke which is activated by a temperature senstive spring. The spring when cold closes the choke and as it warms up slowly opens the choke, when all things are working at the same rate as the engine warms up. The spring is heated by small heater element. there is a small amount of adjustment to compensate between summer and winter but With a missing thermostat the old beetle takes abit longer to warm up than the choke adjustment will allow.
This circuit will connect between the choke and its power supply. this will provide power to drive the UNO. The idea is to make the instalation as simple as possible as Ill have to post it to my daughter for her to fit up.
Should be as simple as disconnect the spade connector on the choke and plug it into this device plug a flying lead from this to the choke terminal and attach a wire to a suitable ground and cable tie the temperature sensor to the intake manifold.