I needed an ATTiny microcontroller that had similar functionality as the Digispark, but wanted it smaller and "keychain-able", so that it could be a pwning tool I could carry around in my pocket and plug in without notice. So, I designed Skye. It's a really simple Digispark clone, but with a WS2812B (and no voltage regulator).
The pin layout in Skye also gives it an advantage on tiny breadboards which do not have power rails, unlike the Digispark, and also saves breadboard space. If you want to go smaller, just use an ISP (or the Nanite 85).
I plan to build a couple of these boards and sell them exclusively in Singapore. Stay tuned!
KiCad PCB preview
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08/02/2017 at 15:20
I like the shape very much, rounded corners everywhere. Is the PCB thick enough to fit in the usb socket, or do you need to glue something there?