
More information on NSCE NS-XX Type

A project log for Peek inside UNI-T UT390B+

Much cleverer people hacked the orginal UT390B laser range finder but no-one seems to have published what we know about the UT390+.

stefanmStefanM 01/14/2017 at 10:375 Comments


here comes more information about my laser and I uploaded some arduino code.

The code works for my device, the pin changes are to switch the transistor to supply the device and the other one is switching one the device simulating a push on the soft key.

If anyone is interested in writing a nice arduino library I would be glad, because I'm the user hacking around quick and dirty until it works.

My idea would be, since the conversion of the laser lasts upto a second, to write the command and get the result with a UART interrupt, which rises a flag, that can be polled in the main loop.

Moreover I added a overview of the commands. I got this from the manufacturer and I made it a bit fancier since it was not very clear.

Concerning costs, I'm still dealing with the manufacturer to get a price for spare PCBs without housing and display. After that I have to check out with customs and taxes...

I think the price for one part will be around 30 Euros + 3,70 shipping worldwide. I checkd out the shipping costs and it does not matter if the destination is in europe or abrought.


StefanM wrote 02/02/2017 at 20:45 point

Hello Simon,

I'm still testing the sample devices I bought. At the moment I'm trying to figure out which advantages/disadvantages the devices with different measurement have. Because I can buy some with 20m range and also some with 60m range and they are nearly the same price.

Maybe someone has an Idea...

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Simon Merrett wrote 02/05/2017 at 08:58 point

Well you could start a patreon or small crowd funding campaign for people who are interested to help buy the different devices. It's expensive doing it on your own! I'd contribute. I'm interested in the outdoor daylight performance. Perhaps the 60m takes longer to make each measurement than the 20m device? Perhaps the range is less outside. Either way, it's worth testing and you seem well placed to test them. 

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StefanM wrote 02/05/2017 at 18:21 point

I'm doing some snow depth measurement with my device and it works fine in a range of 2m. I think this one of the brightest environment available. I will do some investigation and then I'll make a plan how to go on.

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cooky wrote 09/26/2017 at 02:05 point

Hi Stefan,
can you tell me where to order the NSCE?


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Simon Merrett wrote 01/19/2017 at 00:55 point

Stefan, excellent extra info thank you. The price isn't fantastic but cheaper than the original UT390B (not the plus version). The measurement time of upto a second is a potential drawback but I can definitely see this being sought after, especially if you can get a reliable supply chain going. Perhaps open a Tindie store for them?

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