Ok, the gitlab repository has started ( https://gitlab.com/ramanPi ).. I'm basically giving up on the website for ramanPi.org... I don't have the time to try to keep it from the constant bot attacks or whatever...
So, this brings me to the next point... I'm going to be starting an updated version of ramanPi in the new gitlab repo. I am interested in everyone's opinion on this, so if you have any.....let me know here...asap!
The new design will be created in Autodesk Fusion 360. The releases will be housed in the gitlab repo, and collaboration will be through fusion360.. If you'd like to get in on it from the start, now is the time! I have a TON of people who've wanted to join the dev team through this website... I'm going to approve them all... If you are still interested, let me know through a DM here, same goes if you're not interested anymore..
Optics will be fairly similar, electronics are going to be majorly different (and I am going to take my time this time, not being rushed with a contest)... and hopefully, the whole thing benefits from better design software, more expertise, more experience, more care and time taken, etc...etc..
Let's get going, finally... I've had a few failed starts...but my plate is clear now...Proof is in the pudding.. =D
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