
Zero Cross Detection Testing

A project log for Simple Universal Motor Speed Controller

The goal of this project is to build a simple universal motor PID speed controller using a minimum number of components

rhysRhys 05/30/2014 at 12:440 Comments

Spent a little time with my Arduino and a breadboard last night testing the zero cross detection circuit.  I was a little skeptical as to whether this would work, even though I found out about it through an Atmel datasheet.  However, it works as advertised.  I do not have a local source to acquire a the necessary triac from, so I will have to wait till it shows up from Mouser before I can test the output side of the circuit.  That should give me time to get started on writing the code.  Once I have some code going to work with, I should be able to do some testing with a logic analyzer to verify that the triac trigger signal is happening when it is supposed to in relation to the AC phase.


Also, as mentioned before, if you are not familiar and/or comfortable working with live household current, DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS PROJECT
