
Hameg HM8118 LCR bridge control program

This is a software-only project. A simple C# program for controlling the Hameg HM8118.

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As I have been using Rohde & Schwarz Hameg HM8118 a lot, I've created a simple C# program to control it over USB (virtual COM port). The program can log data, record frequency sweeps and control the most important functions of the device. The project files are hosted on GitHub (link should be somewhere left on this page).

Hameg 8118.exe

First release, version Get the most recent version on GitHub.

octet-stream - 167.50 kB - 07/22/2016 at 14:10


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TinoManzato wrote 02/18/2022 at 18:23 point

Sorry, I just want to say that this program is able to save the measured data in an ASCII output. You should just select "log manual and sweep" in File and then select "File" -> "New" to get the windows where you can choose the output file. When the sweep is finished remember to select "File" -> "Close".

Thanks engunner!

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TinoManzato wrote 02/13/2022 at 21:29 point

Sorry, anyone know if it possible to save in a txt file the measures made by the HM8118 controlled remotely by this program? If so, please let me know. Many thanks! 

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