
Hipp happ

Haptic bracelet gizmo for telling time and helping with Pomodoros.

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Hipp happ is a haptic bracelet gizmo for telling time and helping with Pomodoros. You'll wear it on your wrist and it will tell you what time it is or when you have finished a Pomodoro by "tapping" you lightly. There will be no display or leds: just a motor for the haptic feedback.

I've never documented my projects this way before and don't really know where to begin so I'll try to interview myself. Why not? :)

So what is the Hipp happ?

Hipp happ is a haptic bracelet gizmo for telling time and helping with Pomodoros. You'll wear it on your wrist and it will tell you what time it is or when you have finished a Pomodoro by "tapping" you lightly. There will be no display or leds: just a motor for the haptic feedback.

That sounds fun but a little superfluous. Why are you making this?

Mainly for educating myself. I want more experience designing circuits and laying out a PCB and I think the Hipp happ has a small enough scope for me to actually complete.

When did you get the idea?

This night actually so I haven't given it much thought yet. I just have a rough idea of what it is I want to build. The first working version will probably just be a Pomodoro timer that you will wear on your wrist.

Can you tell me something more?

Not right now, but I will share some links to parts I think about using, learning resources and similar projects that works as an inspiration to me. Those links are probably more interesting for me than they are for you, though. :)

  • While waiting for the postman

    Sven Dahlstrand07/24/2016 at 17:26 0 comments

    I've just ordered some parts for this project and, while waiting for the postman, I started prototyping with stuff laying around in my parts bin. I'm using a yellow LED in lack of a vibrating motor.

    It's still early in the process but at least there's some rudimentary functionality there. You can push a button to start a Pomodoro and after five seconds the LED will fade in and out for some time alerting you that the Pomodoro has ended. The finished product will alert you with haptic feedback instead of a blinking LED and, of course, the Pomodoro will last for 25 minutes.

    I'm using the Arduino Uno for prototyping but will probably settle for "vanilla AVR" later in the project. You'll find source code and breadboard layout on GitHub.

    Early prototyping breadboard layout. Read more »

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