

Just a modified script of Kripthor's ESP8266-WifiBeaconJam to send words as SSIDs.

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This project is a modified version from kripthor's WifiBeaconJam. I extended the SSID length to 14 Characters. The script takes the words from line 13. The words must have a max length of 10 characters. The result depends on the used devices and their wifi. Change line 13 and 41 to change the amount of words. Respect the laws of your country.

Special Thanks to Brice187 for some improvements.

Use Newer Versions does not support "wifi_send_pkt_freedom" anymore.
  • 1 × ESP8266

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tomwsmf wrote 08/01/2016 at 20:27 point

Very cool projects that harkens back to a long dormant one .    Would the esp be able t handle the mesh and msg passing aspects of Dythr? 

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willy wrote 07/28/2016 at 10:19 point

How have I never thought of this! Cool project. 

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