
Not Giving Up Yet

A project log for Open Digital Checklist

Digital, portable, open source, and simple checklist for every day carry. Replace apps and paper for good.

dustinDustin 09/11/2018 at 04:170 Comments

Its been about 1.5 years since i last updated or thought about this project. My life went down hill and I ended up putting all projects on hold. These days, I'm starting a business, and getting back into my electronics. I have to design and build some custom industrial equipment, so I might as well finish this project as I master some more skills. This one is still a long way off, but I still find value in it. Currently, I'm using an Android small with Google Keep, but still want to get away from that. I'd be happiest if my Raspberry Checklist could read and write my Keep account. We shall see how it goes.
