
Pi Zero 2 W Has Arrived

A project log for Open Digital Checklist

Digital, portable, open source, and simple checklist for every day carry. Replace apps and paper for good.

dustinDustin 11/01/2021 at 22:550 Comments

The latest Pi has arrived from Adafruit today. I've not done anything with it yet, and I likely won't for a little while. I haven't gotten my Pi 400 in yet, which will be the system I'll be using for all my development. I don't have the display for this project yet either, but I will order it in just under two weeks on pay day. 

I'm still trying to decide on the display for this project. Part of me wants to use the super simple character LCDs, another part wants an OLED. I've got time to decide, but I'm more interested in why this decision is so difficult for me. I'll sort that later. 

I may get the new Pi set up and running so I can start playing around with it soon. Once the Pi 400 is here, I doubt I'll do much with this for a while. 


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