
Adding reminders

A project log for Open Digital Checklist

Digital, portable, open source, and simple checklist for every day carry. Replace apps and paper for good.

dustinDustin 07/27/2016 at 16:080 Comments

I was thinking about how else to use the features of the Pi and am considering adding a clock with reminders and a strong vibrating motor. In order to keep it simple, I could program them from the LCD interface in a countdown style. 1 day, 4 hours, 30 minutes and have the Pi to translate that to the date and time. I could also have the alerts saved as another list with the option to toggle or delete them. I also really like the physical silence switch on the iPhones and may add one of those. Setting alerts in my windows phone is pretty tedious at times, so I may add something along these lines in the future. Just a random thought that would need a lot more development.
