
Delay: Lack Of Hardware.

A project log for Open Digital Checklist

Digital, portable, open source, and simple checklist for every day carry. Replace apps and paper for good.

dustinDustin 08/18/2016 at 18:041 Comment

I have been putting this project off lately for a few reasons. Mostly due to getting used to a new job, lack of sleep, lack of time, and the biggest one: Lack of proper hardware. I have the Raspberry Pi Zero, an HDMI to DVI cable, a monitor with DVI, a wireless keyboard with touch pad that works with the Pi, a USB OTG adapter, a simple LCD module, soldering equipment, everything needed to prototype the hardware, and SD cards to write the images for the Raspberry Pi Zero.

I am missing an HDMI adapter, a proper power supply, a USB hub, epoxy putty to make the case, battery and charging circuitry, and the knowledge to program this thing properly. I will try to order the missing hardware tomorrow when I get paid. I am hoping to get the hardware together by next week so I have a stand alone device, even if the software isn't ready. The software roadblocks will be significant for me, but I know I can tackle the hardware pretty quickly, so I am just going to focus on that for now.


Dustin wrote 08/18/2016 at 18:48 point

The Raspberry Pi Zero Version 1.3 and the Mini HDMI to HDMI adapter have been ordered from and are on the way! Will be picking up a few more things tomorrow. Bought the Zero now, instead of waiting until tomorrow as they have been out of stock for quite some time and I don't feel like waiting for new stock to arrive. Saves me a trip to Microcenter in Cleveland as well.

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