
AutoSense : Collecting Road quality data easily

This project aims to collect road quality data using frugal technologies making sensor data beacon so affordable that it actually matters

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This project aims to form an unconventional geographical information system where the data collecting endpoint ( the sensor and the beacon roughly costing 3$) is mounted on a public transport and the sensor data is advertised openly, which is collected by a smartphone mobile app and uploaded to the cloud.

this infrastructure of data collection comes with all the benefits of conventional GIS (geographical information system) and we get geo-tagged and time-stamped data from multiple sources.

the estimated life of sensor beacons can go upto an year which is critical for continuous data collection.

The currently available GIS systems are limited by the network they are used on,more often than expected conventional GIS use standard networking infrastructure like routers/switches and physical ethernet cables to connect deployed sensors to a data aggregation node typically within a kilometre of deployed sensors.

this type of infrastructure comes with a very large cost of equipment and a heavy penalty in terms of setting up the infrastructure for example laying down new cables,providing power to these devices and much more.

This leads to the cost of GIS systems deployed by the government to reach as high as 15 million dollars per project (@India)

By using this technology the massive amount of time and cost that goes into establishing a network infrastructure will be eliminated which means policies are realized at a much faster rate and at the same time at a lesser cost.

  • these are the screenshots of the App that receives the BLE advertisement packets
  • the Manufacturer Data field contains the information as a 4 point graded scale (0-3) based on the road quality ( Smooth,uneven,bumpy and Rough)

  • 1 × MPU6050
  • 1 × old Phone battery 3.3v i had 1200mAh samsung battery that was small enough to fit in along with everything in a 5*5*5 cm box
  • 1 × on/off switch

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  • 1
    Step 1

    i cant make the schematic for the same but since the peripherals are pretty standard the connections are pretty obvious

  • 2
    Step 2

    the MPU6050 connects to the i2c bus on the arduino

  • 3
    Step 3

    the nrf24l01 connects to the SPI bus on the arduino

View all 3 instructions

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