Plenty to do, still, with this project. The main questions generally involve what OTS cables should be supported, if any. With a software-configurable AV switcher & the proper configuration, the shield could be compatible with any analog 3.5mm AV cable you might find. That said, it may be best to just support the following design & modes:
Two 3.5mm jacks:
- one for modes:
- Standard Analog Audio
- av-bus-audio-left
- av-bus-audio-right
- av-bus-common
- Standard Analog Headset
- av-bus-audio-left
- av-bus-audio-right
- av-bus-common
- av-bus-audio-mic
- Standard Analog Audio
- a second jack, for modes:
- Standard Definition:
- av-bus-audio-left
- av-bus-audio-right
- av-bus-common
- av-bus-composite
- High Definition:
- av-bus-component-pb
- av-bus-component-pr
- av-bus-common
- av-bus-component-y
- Standard Definition:
- The Standard Analog Headset mode should, ideally, support the analysis of basic on-headset remote commands (e.g. volume up/down & play/pause). These signals could be analyzed on the shield & sent to the C.H.I.P. digitally.
- The control signals should be sent to C.H.I.P as standard keyboard "media" key presses.