
Project On Hold.

A project log for 80s Engine Computer

Engine management for 1983 Chevy C20 Pickup truck using period correct hardware.

dustinDustin 08/18/2016 at 17:080 Comments

As the truck this system is being designed for is now my daily driver, I have to come up with something faster and more reliable to make sure I don't destroy the engine I put $1,500 into a few months ago. It is running weird, and I have been spending the past few weeks working out all the little problems I can and adding gauges to things that need monitored. I still plan on making a period correct monitoring system for this old truck, but I may not be working on this much for a while until I am certain that my truck no longer needs any more attention to be a reliable daily driver.

I still welcome any and all input on this project as it is the kind of challenge that I really want to be taking on.
