
Unscrapping This Project

A project log for 1983 Chevy C20 Pickup Restomod.

Turning a trusty, rusty old pickup into a reliable and interesting daily driver and work truck.

dustinDustin 09/21/2018 at 14:500 Comments

Sometime around January, I decided to get rid of everything I owned and start a new life somewhere else. I found the area I'd grown up in to be toxic and full of painful memories. It's rather ironic that I made a ton of great new friends and memories as I was preparing to leave. During the process of leaving, I left this truck behind and abandoned it. I was overwhelmed and didn't have the resources to do anything with it. I recently found out that my old neighbor actually made some repairs to it, and has been safely storing it for me this entire time. I'm very excited as that truck was one of my favorite things and my favorite project. I hated it for a while because it was my daily driver and kept breaking. Where I live now, both jobs are within easy waling distance and I am starting a business from home. I won't even need the truck at all. It will be nice to have it and not need it. I'll be able to rebuild it like I was dreaming of and get my DIY truck camper project rolling as well. I previously scraped this and the camper project when I thought I lost the truck forever. I'll likely be taking the 1,000 mile train journey from South Dakota, to Ohio to get it after Christmas. Or I will just have it shipped here, depending on what kind of condition it is in when I am ready to get it. I would love to drive it home. It's actually cheaper for me to buy 2 one way train tickets, stay in hotels, fuel the truck, and spend a few days in my home town tan it is to ship the truck. I'd also get a Christmas vacation and can take my assistant with me on her first big adventure. I am worried that the truck won't make the drive, so I am going to ask my neighbor to tune it up for me and I will pay him and send him money for any parts and supplies needed. I'm not sure what will happen at this point, but I do know that I will be getting my dream truck back soon.
