I started this Project long ago with a ProTrinket with nRF24l01 as the Controller. Later i switched to an ESP8266.
With the ESP in, i had WiFi feature Out of the Box :D. A bit goggle magick and i found an interessting Post from Pance Cavkovski. He got a neat little Script for running a WebServer on a NodeMCU to controll a NeoPixel Bar.
I adapted it a bit and added some Animation Loops. The Fader was fun cause it behaved other then i tought first, but this bug turned into a feature ;).
Controlling the Light from a Browser is ok. But for real Couch experience there were need for an AndroidAPP.
I never build a real AndroidAPP so it took me sometime to figure out how i get things to work like i want. But i'm happy with it for my first working app.
After the app worked i added the ChangeIP feature to support more Strips with one app.
Future Plans are a selection list of Strips that can be controlled Simultaniously. But thats something for the cold and dark Days...