This is ment to be used for swimmers to see what the water temperature is. I live in a city with 4 rivers all clean and nice to take swims in but there is no water temperature info on the internet. I plan to put these sensors in all 4 so i can decide on where to go for a swim. :)
During my tests the arduino mini pro 3.3v and the sim800 module use a lot less power.
Currently im running them on a tiny solar panel and a bad 600mAh battery that charges up to 60% max.
So i have made a all in one pcb to make my final project.
I will use a on board solar charge controller CN3065 and a MCP1700 so i can unsolder the regulator off the arduino mini pro. This regulator is much better for this use and uses much less power.
Well here is how it currently looks. The case is watertight. My plan is to mount it on a tree close to the water and then just drop the sensor probe into the water. Im still searching for a on the water buoy that can possibly hold the whole setup.
Remeber that first project log. Well the board i made for that prototype arived and i assembled it.
Soldered the arduino mini pro 3.3v as close as i can to the board. Did the same for all other components.
R1 is ment to be used as the 4.7K Resistor for the DS18B sensor between vcc and data. Other resistors are soposed to be a voltage devider but i dont need it since i can get the voltage in mV with AT+CBC from the gsm module.
Chepo ebay TP4056 charge module. I made the board for the one that has battery protection but this one fits to as the other one did not arrive yet.
Remove this resistor to enable software powering on and off for the gsm module.
Thats it for now. Will try it out. The SIM800l module may be better in a way of power usage.
I'm working on building a very similar solar-powered / cell network connected / water temperature sensing device, using an Adafruit Feather 32u4 FONA (contains an ATmega32u4 and SIM800H).
Still developing it on the bench. I'm sending it to sleep in between transmissions, but I'm not sure how low the power consumption is.
Do you have any tips for using sleep mode with these components? Did you ever get around to measuring power consumption?
First of all I unlock the SIM (AT+CPIN=XXXX) and shield responses OK. Then I can send other commads for example (AT+CBC). But when I try to enable gprs (AT+CGATT=1), or to perform a call (ATD), sim800L return and ERROR, and power off. I think that is a power supply problem, but have the same components like you...
I'm frustrating with this problem. Can you help me?
Awesome project, using it to build a solar sim800l andrino pro mini sensor. You reference the A6 module, why did you in the end go with the sim800l instead of the A6 module, was it the good power consumtion
how to display percent capasity of battery?