
The Cut Mistakes

A project log for RetroRiter

A Pi Zero based desktop computer with attached thermal printer.

jamesJames 08/21/2016 at 15:000 Comments

In my last update I talked briefly about what went right with the base. Now on to what went wrong. I made two major errors and a handful of small ones:

Here's what the case looks like with the parts set in place (but no cables):

You can just see the left edge of the thermal printer overlapping the second base piece. In the next photo you can see the other major error: the LCD holder knocking into the base.

You can also see the Pi Zero in its place.

I still need to work on the base a bit. Mostly I'll be figuring out how to glue the base together, making everything fit well, and then any needed touch-ups. Overall I'm happy with it. Ponoko is a bit pricey for low volumes, and I would have likely been better of taking the dive of learning a real CAD program instead of using Inkscape.

[EDIT:] The .svg file has now been updated to correct the mistakes mentioned here.
