
Uploading multiple arduino sketches simultaneously

A project log for evive: a prototyping platform for makers

An open-source Arduino based toolkit to learn, build & debug electronics and robotics projects

dhrupal-r-shahDhrupal R Shah 10/10/2016 at 18:220 Comments

One of the most important feature of evive's menu interface is uploading multiple Arduino Sketches (programs) and change them without the need of re-programming. In the Arduino IDE, the user will add his custom codes in space provided in file named userDefinedFunctions.cpp in similar fashion to “void setup_user_defined_function(){….}” and “voidloop_user_defined_function(){….}”. And just upload the program to evive using Arduino IDE via USB cable. So the code with be available under the user defined menu list item. When the user will select that particular user defined function in the sub-menu of user defined function, the code will start running in loop.


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