
Log of the Day 24/05/2018

A project log for Tensiometre - Heart Beat Sensor

Create a tensiometre and a heart beat sensor to prevent diseases of heart, with arduino

jules-renaudatJules Renaudat 05/24/2018 at 10:550 Comments

Wassup ?

Today we repluged all the wires that were badly connected. Finally it worked.
When we had our project working, we realised the sensor for heart beats had a pretty bad accuracy. 

The BPM displayed on the LCD screen varied from -50 to + 80 from our real BPM value. 
Our opinion about this is that it's really depending on how we put our finger on the sensor which makes the value changing, moreover, the finger is said as one of the worst place to detect heart beating.

Anyway, we have our project working and will try to figure out how to improve the sensing accuracy.
