
Why not Lasers?

A project log for Clunke Button

Assistive input device for interacting with adapted toys and tools.

christopherChristopher 09/04/2017 at 06:020 Comments

As part of the senior design project, we developed a prototype keyboard that didn't require fine motor control to use. It's construction involved both 3D printed mounts and laser cut plywood.

So why didn't we use the laser cutter to make the adaptive button as well? Certainly the plywood would be cheaper, and even provide a more aesthetic result with some sanding and stain.

Well, the main consideration is that the keyboard was an unvalidated concept, something we hoped would find traction with users. The buttons, however, already had a clear use case, market, and demand; these buttons needed a design with local, small scale production in mind.

With the goal of making buttons easy to create, let's compare the laser and printer:

So the printer made an all-around better platform for creating small gadgets in local communities.
