
OpenCV for Color Detection

A year ago i was playing with Opencv and developed some applications applying decision trees for color detection

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This project is an example of the many applications of image processing. This project is short because i am kind of bussy and don't have time to explain it. I'll do it as soon as i can. Three videos are shown in the unique log. The first one and the second one are hand tracking apps and the third one depicts a project i've done trying to simulate a self aiming gun.
As i've mentioned the third one involves hardware. I used an Arduino and a LM293 to control a step motor coupled to a webcam. A serial connection between the Arduino and the Laptop was done in order to guide the motor and self aim to some specific object.

1. Introduction

There will be one log in this project that will show some applications with the algorithm i developed in C++ using the Opencv libraries.

Video 1. Hand Tracking and Drawing Application

Video 2. Hand Tracking Calculator App

Video 3. Object Tracking

  • Some of the Applications

    Rodrigo Loza08/25/2016 at 05:35 0 comments

    1. Introduction

    There will be one log in this project that will show some applications with the algorithm i developed in C++ using the Opencv libraries.

    Video 1. Hand Tracking and Drawing Application

    Video 2. Hand Tracking Calculator App

    Video 3. Object Tracking

View project log

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