A tiny breakout board with the latest BST sensors
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BMI160-BMM150-breakout-layout.pngPortable Network Graphics (PNG) - 82.04 kB - 08/25/2016 at 09:53 |
BMI160-BMM150-breakout-schematic.pngPortable Network Graphics (PNG) - 29.92 kB - 08/25/2016 at 09:53 |
EVAL-BMI160-BMM150.zipeagle design filesZip Archive - 26.30 kB - 08/25/2016 at 09:49 |
some boards have been built and sent to friends to play around with.
Depending on who makes your PCBs, the NSMD (non-solder-mask defined) lands for the staggered BGA package will or will not work. for NSMD you'd usually have more stopmask recess around the pads. Since these boards are really cheap to make I ordered a lot of them and graded them under a microscope.
If your PCB manufacturer uses a maskless process, chances may be better that the lands are well-defined.
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I'm not sure if I have PCBs left somewhere. Since they are cheap these days and the BGA pads are more or less solder-mask defined, I visually inspected them and tossed a few with inadequate stop mask alignment.
I did however use the same footprints on another sensor board with good yield. Hope that helps.
Yes that helps. I will order three from https://aisler.net/ (minimum) and use a solder paste syringe and a hot plate to bake it. I learned a few things at 35c3 ;)
Do you have pictures of the PCB before and after you populated them?
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You don't use 4.7k pull-up for i2c between bmi160 and bmm150 ?