
Vision Update #2

A project log for Cueball: A Life-Sized Pool Playing Robot

In this project, a robot is being constructed from basic components that will be able to challenge human players to a game of pool.

vpugliese323VPugliese323 09/22/2014 at 14:250 Comments

Last year, part of our work group began to code a vision program that targets retroreflective tape. While the program was never finished, we managed to detect and output a contrast map with lines (and their slopes) to the evaluator program (which is the part that was not constructed). Recently, we have been mixing the old vision program with the new circle detection program to detect both circles and rectangles in a field of view. While the evaluator is still being designed and coded, work is underway to finalize these vision programs. I will be posting screenshots of the program working when we are closer to finalizing the code. 
