
Cyclops E with Alta Devices GaAS Solar Panels

A project log for Project ICARUS 3.0: Solar Anti-Poaching UAS

Internet Connected Aerial Renewable Unmanned System Fully 3D printed

tlankford01tlankford01 08/08/2014 at 04:381 Comment

Equipment Specifications for the Cyclops-E

3 cell lipo/ li-ion 5-15 Amps 5-9 cruise

Demonstrated 2-3A cruise in tests with 6 cell for all electronics

Moving to 6 cell in the Cyclops C 3M would like to move to a hybrid automatic switching system like is used in the Aeropak series of hydrogen fuel cells. I would actually like to combine all three technologies in a larger plane next year. With the H-Cell 2.0 from to run the electronics and provide a little dawn or dusk boost to the batteries or an Aeropak 500


Odroid U3 on board with Pixhawk for distributed/parallel processing and for operating Open CV

Drone Deploy 3G Cloud Communication

MARS Parachute Recovery

6cell 20,000 mAh Li-ion 18650 batteries

OpenTx with Openlrs radio control

Working on a catapult for autolaunch

Plane Specs:

Wingspan 2.75 meters 101 inches

Fuselage 52 inches

Wing Area 598 sq in

Tail Area: ?

Cruise Air Speed @ 6.5 lbs balanced 1.5 lbs of ballast 35-30mph

Max Air Speed 65-70 mph

Stall Air Speed 15-17 MPH

Climb Rate >2000 Ft/Minute

Integration of System on Cyclops-E:

61 Watts of Solar on the wing and tail

Blocking Diodes and Bypass Diodes wired on the wing. Connections to the plane are made through mxt connections.

Charging will be through two LM 2587 buck boost boards from east west hemispheres of the installation

On board battery will be 6 Cell 20000 mah li-ion will be able to handle smooth discharge and smooth charge. Will also be charging the battery on the ground when necessary. I would like to make a plug in load for on the ground so that the batteries can be charged and not worry about over charging.

Still up in the air is how do we switch to solar power and not the battery when we have enough power from solar?

Also do we need to dissipate power if the battery is full the plane is on the ground and the sun is out?


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PointyOintment wrote 08/08/2014 at 17:46 point
>Also do we need to dissipate power if the battery is full the plane is on the ground and the sun is out?

I don't think so. If you just don't draw current from the panels it should be fine.

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