For initial prototyping I used a Chinese NodeMCU clone (LoLin) connected to a BME280 breakout board from AliExpress to try and get some environmental logging going.
I had started to write a BME280 driver but then I noticed one already exists. Cool, less work for me!
After writing a driver for Initial State, I got this log:
Not bad for a start! You can see the temperature cycle from my air conditioning very well. You can also tell from the pressure that I'm at elevation (Longmont, CO).
There are some weird "off" readings here and there. Not sure where they come from. It might be a supply issue, since everything is connected with long fly wires and powered from my laptop. I'm going to try multiple readings and taking the median to see if I can get rid of that.
I realize this isn't much use without the source code, I'm going to try and straighten that out soon and get some code on Github.
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